Trans World Radio Europe
“The comparison of One Another Ministries to an Army MASH unit is very appropriate. They are able to quickly mobilize their resources to help our missionaries when there are wounds or problems, which require timely professional attention.
I have felt confident in the treatment our people have received, and I have worked together with the folks at One Another Ministries in order to avoid long and complicated emergency trips for missionaries back to North America. They are a valuable resource in the portfolio of a mission’s Human Resource department.”
Curt Detwiler
former Director of Human Resources
Curt Detwiler
former Director of Human Resources

Network of International Christian Schools
“We are so appreciative of One Another and the ministry it has to missionaries around the world. One Another has served us on several occasions and we have always been renewed and refreshed as a result.
I look forward to a continuing relationship between One Another Ministries and NICS.
May God continue to pour His blessings on all you do on behalf of missionaries."
Shelley Brumbaugh
Member Care Coordinator
Shelley Brumbaugh
Member Care Coordinator

"When we have needed special assistance for our missionaries, One Another Ministries is an organization of men and women who are committed to serving the Body of Christ by providing counsel and assistance to missionaries around the world. I would like to recommend this organization to you for several reasons:
Their gifting & experience in church planting, counseling & organizational development provide a solid foundation for ministry to others.
Their location is field-based. We have found it advantageous to have such a service located closer to the areas of ministry where we serve.
We have found that it is helpful to have kindred spirit counselors, who are not associated with our organization, be a part of the process of serving colleagues in difficulty.
We in Christar have been blessed by their ministry to our missionaries, and I believe that you will be blessed as you partner with them as well."
For His Glory!
R. Stephen Coffey
For His Glory!
R. Stephen Coffey
Missionary Testimony
"Thank you for all you did to make the retreat possible. It came in the middle of an extremely stressful time -- with relationships and ministries that were full of conflict."
"We have felt up against the wall. But the retreat was like an oasis and an eye in the storm. I believe it has been God’s way of helping us through this past year."
"We are looking forward to a fresh start again in the work -- making some positive changes. Thanks for the refreshment in our lives. It was perfect.”
A missionary couple after attending a ministry retreat
"We have felt up against the wall. But the retreat was like an oasis and an eye in the storm. I believe it has been God’s way of helping us through this past year."
"We are looking forward to a fresh start again in the work -- making some positive changes. Thanks for the refreshment in our lives. It was perfect.”
A missionary couple after attending a ministry retreat
Missionary Testimony
"A word of thanks for the wonderful and helpful conference that we were able to attend. May the Lord bless you richly in other conferences to come. We were very blessed!”
A missionary couple after attending a ministry conference
A missionary couple after attending a ministry conference
Missionary Testimony
“The material was excellent and well presented. We deeply appreciate your ministry and availability. ... Thanks so much for all the special touches and for your availability for personal counsel. I’m sure this week is going to be a great benefit to our moving ahead as a team.”
A missionary after attending a “Building Ministry Teams” seminar
A missionary after attending a “Building Ministry Teams” seminar
Missionary Testimony
“We send our thanks for your kindness and help. We were so comfortable with you, and the sessions that we had with you were a great help in sorting through several issues.”
A missionary family who received help at the ministry center
A missionary family who received help at the ministry center
Missionary Testimony
"I am writing to thank you for all that God did for me through your ministry during my time with you. It has done me a world of good, and I believe it will bear fruit for a long time to come. My family is also thankful, because I have more joy and strength."
"We thank our heavenly Father for the care we received. And as we are able, we want to support your ministry."
"Thanks to each and every one of you for the encouragement and the gracious care.”
A national church leader after receiving help at the ministry center
"We thank our heavenly Father for the care we received. And as we are able, we want to support your ministry."
"Thanks to each and every one of you for the encouragement and the gracious care.”
A national church leader after receiving help at the ministry center