One Another Ministries International provides professional services to Christian organizations and international Christian workers. There is no charge for the services we provide. This is possible because all costs associated with this ministry are covered by the generosity and sacrifice of our donors.
The Christian workers and organizations who receive help normally want to have a part in ensuring these services will be available to others in the future. These contributions are, of course, accepted and always appreciated. They are applied toward the collective work of One Another Ministries – caring for missionaries and international Christian workers both proactively and in response to difficulties.
Guidelines for donations. In planning their donation, some have asked what it costs One Another to make this help available. This information is provided to those wishing to contribute, and should in no way be construed as a list of charges for our services. One Another Ministries spends approximately:
Professional services:
- $300 per day per staff member to provide professional services(training, consulting, counseling, etc.) either in residence at our facilities or when traveling to remote sites.
- $40 per hour when providing consultation at a distance (such as by phone or Skype).
Hospitality: $35 per day per guest in residence at our facilities.
One Another staff travel expenses: When our staff is asked to travel to remote locations to work with teams, organizations, or individuals, in addition to the donation for professional services, the inviting organization is asked to cover our staff travel expenses.
Reservation deposit. In an effort to be the best possible stewards of the time and resources available to us, and to minimize reservations being missed or canceled unnecessarily, a deposit of $75 per person per day is requested when scheduling an appointment or reservation.
Please be assured that we want all Christian workers and organizations to receive the help they might need, and an inability to contribute the suggested amount is never a hindrance to receiving needed help. If you have any questions about these guidelines, please do not hesitate to contact our offices.