Shoulder to Shoulder exists to empower, equip, and encourage single mission workers, their teams and their agencies as they serve in cross-cultural ministry.

We do this by:
  • Coming alongside mission leaders and teams
  • Encouraging biblical reflection on issues related to the value of singleness and marriage within the spiritual family of Christ.
  • Providing resources and training
Solid biblical theology leads to sound practical theology in living out the reality of who we are in Christ, as we serve on teams in mission together. This involves effectively leveraging all individuals, be they single or married, with or without children, as fully complete in Christ, and uniquely equipped members of our mission teams. It also entails understanding the unique challenges singles and marrieds each face working together as teams in the body of Christ.

Shoulder to Shoulder exists to come alongside cross-cultural workers, mission teams, and organizations with resources, specialized training events for missions or personalized encouragement for individuals.

Contact us if you have questions about the way in which we can serve you or your mission agency.


January 12-17, 2025

Malaga, Spain

A forum exploring the biblical storyline of marriage and singleness and how it redefines our understanding of ministry, team, spiritual community, discipleship, identity, and sexuality.

For married and single mission leaders and influencers serving in cross cultural ministry, this forum will include:
  • Plenary sessions
  • A leadership development track for mission leaders
  • A track dedicated for single & single again cross cultural workers
  • Interactive focus groups for all on multiple subjects
  • Time for networking, relationship building, and refreshments
Mission leaders have shared that incorporating the concepts and truths explored at this forum have helped make core changes that lead to proactive missional strategies which result in greater impact.

Join us in Malaga for this fresh and theologically rich perspective regarding the body of Christ, where this significant redefining can make an invaluable difference in the context where you serve.

  • Conference Fee: $150 per person, $125 if registered before Oct. 31st.
  • Fee can be paid here.
    Select One Time Donation, click the drop-down menu, select Shoulder to Shoulder, then proceed.
  • Registration is now open and closes Jan 6th, or when spaces are filled.

  • Double occupancy (per person, per day) is 55€, includes breakfast and full dinner. Ideal for couples and those who want to share rooms.
  • Single occupancy (per person, per day) is 75€, includes breakfast and full dinner.


"The S2S conference provides an excellent opportunity to learn and discuss current hot topics, such as singleness and marriage, sexuality, identity, love and discipleship. You will come away with deeper biblical insight into your spiritual family and a calling to love and serve your 'sacred siblings', whether single or married."
Pioneers Intl, Greece
"Be encouraged in the development of a healthy, hopeful view of singleness, marriage, & spiritual family, that will have practical and lasting Kingdom impact."
Sarah Hilkemann
Velvet Ashes Program Director
"Hearing about the theology of offspring and how that relates to singleness was immensely helpful in bringing specific theological insight to what I had always felt but never been able to articulate properly. This theology gives singles of all ages and backgrounds the room at the redemptive table in God's story."
Philip H
"I was in a place of despairing in my singleness, not sure how I could go on in ministry (so much pressure from myself, pressures of everyday life, and cultural expectations). I was losing sight of my place and value on the mission field. I have always known and believed marriage to be Good, but for the first time in my life, I am beginning to understand singleness as good too! AND I was equipped with the FIRST BOOK I've ever received on the Biblical theology of singleness - game changer."
Lisa B
World Team Cameroun
We gained a renewed sense of the value we each bring as single and married co-workers. Affirmed in our calling as sacred siblings, may we continue to live for the glory of the One we love and serve.”
Sue & Don Eenigenburg
“The subject matter was transformative for our mission leadership. It changed the way we saw each member of our mission giving a fresh appreciation for the spiritual family, and energizing our efforts in reaching the lost.” C.R.
Global Missions


    The following list of resources is offered for information only and does not imply an endorsement of or agreement with any of the authors or their views.

    John Piper
    Single in Christ

    David Platt
    Radically Single

    Barry Danylak
    What the Bible Says about Singleness