Dr. Rick Lange
1946 - 2010
Rick was born on November 3, 1946 in Van Nuys, California. After finishing high school he joined the Navy where he served in Vietnam, receiving numerous commendations. While stationed in Illinois, he met Irene to whom he was married on August 10, 1968, after corresponding for almost four years.
Rick served in the U.S. Navy where he was awarded the National Defense Medal, Vietnam Service Medal, Vietnam Campaign Medal, Meritorious Unit Commendation, and received an honorable discharge.
Rick and Irene felt the Lord leading them into mission service shortly after they trusted Him for salvation in 1975. They attended Liberty University where Rick earned a degree in History. He later earned a master’s degree in Missions from Grace Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Philosophy from Oxford Graduate School.
Rick, along with Irene, spent most of his adult life making a difference among some of the least advantaged people of the world, including ministering with people in Haiti, the Red Sea Hills in Sudan, the Turkana tribes people in northwestern Kenya and a pioneer outreach to the Somali people of northeastern Kenya. In addition to sharing the good news of God’s love, they provided medical care and relief to victims of famine and drought, as well as education, clean water, and community development projects designed to promote long-term self-sufficiency.
Rick had both a passion and a gift for passing vision and knowledge on to the next generation. He served on the faculties of Liberty University and Nairobi International Graduate School of Theology, and he led university outreach and internship programs during most of his international assignments. Rick also served on the Board of Regents of Oxford Graduate School.
During the last five years, Rick and his wife, Irene, have been on loan to One Another from SIM, allowing him to serve full-time with our team. As director of inter-cultural training and development, Rick has been spearheading projects aimed at strengthening international Christian workers around the globe. Rick was a founding member of the Board of Directors of One Another Ministries.
In recent years he increasingly focused on training and strengthening international Christian workers. Rick combined compassion and humor as he strove to fulfill the Great Commission of reaching his world for Christ.
Rick is survived by his wife, Irene, his mother, Alberta, and step-father, Ralph Kennedy. He is also survived by a host of friends around the world who were always uplifted by his humor, guided by his insight, and challenged by his dedication. On many levels, he will be sorely missed.
“He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God?” -- Micah 6:8
We want to thank you for your part in making this vital ministry possible. Please join us in prayer for Irene. And pray also that God will raise up the next generation of servants to carry on His work of declaring God’s glory to the nations.
the One Another Ministries team
Rick served in the U.S. Navy where he was awarded the National Defense Medal, Vietnam Service Medal, Vietnam Campaign Medal, Meritorious Unit Commendation, and received an honorable discharge.
Rick and Irene felt the Lord leading them into mission service shortly after they trusted Him for salvation in 1975. They attended Liberty University where Rick earned a degree in History. He later earned a master’s degree in Missions from Grace Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Philosophy from Oxford Graduate School.
Rick, along with Irene, spent most of his adult life making a difference among some of the least advantaged people of the world, including ministering with people in Haiti, the Red Sea Hills in Sudan, the Turkana tribes people in northwestern Kenya and a pioneer outreach to the Somali people of northeastern Kenya. In addition to sharing the good news of God’s love, they provided medical care and relief to victims of famine and drought, as well as education, clean water, and community development projects designed to promote long-term self-sufficiency.
Rick had both a passion and a gift for passing vision and knowledge on to the next generation. He served on the faculties of Liberty University and Nairobi International Graduate School of Theology, and he led university outreach and internship programs during most of his international assignments. Rick also served on the Board of Regents of Oxford Graduate School.
During the last five years, Rick and his wife, Irene, have been on loan to One Another from SIM, allowing him to serve full-time with our team. As director of inter-cultural training and development, Rick has been spearheading projects aimed at strengthening international Christian workers around the globe. Rick was a founding member of the Board of Directors of One Another Ministries.
In recent years he increasingly focused on training and strengthening international Christian workers. Rick combined compassion and humor as he strove to fulfill the Great Commission of reaching his world for Christ.
Rick is survived by his wife, Irene, his mother, Alberta, and step-father, Ralph Kennedy. He is also survived by a host of friends around the world who were always uplifted by his humor, guided by his insight, and challenged by his dedication. On many levels, he will be sorely missed.
“He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God?” -- Micah 6:8
We want to thank you for your part in making this vital ministry possible. Please join us in prayer for Irene. And pray also that God will raise up the next generation of servants to carry on His work of declaring God’s glory to the nations.
the One Another Ministries team